Friday, January 14, 2011



Life is full of coincidences - it colors my life ...for example.

This recent storm has wrecked havoc on so many lives.

My daughter, Diana Christina, was down in the Valley choreographing the McAllen High School Choir Dinner Show they put on every year.  Diana has been choreographing their shows for the last three years, I believe.  If you get an opportunity to see this year's performance, do so, it is a wonderful experience.  It's held in February.

Long story short, she had to return to Georgia via Dallas (driving) and the weather report was sending out red flags.  Having lived in Colorado, I knew traveling in those kind of conditions was a no-no.  That nagging feeling that she shouldn't travel kept pounding in my heart.

Luckily, my daughter listened and waited until Wednesday to make her trek back home and she arrived safely in Georgia Wednesday evening.  She left home in Rockwall, Tx at 6:00 a.m - arriving Georgia at night.  It should have been an 11-hour drive.

Ralph and I seriously thought about driving up to Dallas and driving her to Georgia...parents do that.  In fact, that's what gave me my subject.  One of my classmates, who also has a blog (Hi, Nancy!), also had a mini travel emergency when her new son-in-law was accidentally hit by another skier on the slopes...they are now on their way to offer any assistance...that's what parents do.

Simultaneously, I would hear Christina Taylor Green's name...a beautiful 9-year old whose life was senselessly taken from her, spoken over the airwaves.  Born on 9-11 she was such a hopeful, happy, child whose life was just beginning.  There are no words to describe what a parent feels when we lose a words. 

I thought, how our children are woven so intricately into our we know when danger is lurking, or they're sad or worse...hurt.  But somehow we feel it hundreds of miles away.  In so many ways that umbilical cord is still attached.

Nancy's story reminded me of the phone call we got at midnight one night.  Diana was living in King George , Maryland.  Diana was driving home and she fell asleep...she woke up just as she was headed into a tree and overcompensated and flipped her car several times.  Her car was totaled but Diana, aside from being tossed, was unhurt.  What happened next, is what I keep close to my heart.

That night, on this isolate road flanked by 75 - 90 ft pine trees, my daughter was alone...  She called us, and called for help.  While she sat in her car, shaking and trying to get her bearings...a young man approached her car.  There was no sound or lights of another car.  He went up to her and asked her if she was ok...and also that he would stay with her until help arrived.  She didn't know who he was, nor where he came from but she thanked him and they waited in the dark until help arrived.

By the time the police arrived, Diana was thinking clearer.  They took her report and made sure she was ok.  She remembered the young man and wanted to thank him for staying with she turned to the police officer helping her and asked if she had seen him.

The police officer seemed confused.

"There was no one with you when we arrived," he told her.  "You were all alone."

"No, he was with me the whole time."  my daughter insisted.  The police officer assured her, there had been no one else when they arrived.

I'd like to think, that was my baby's guardian angel, watching over her.  I also like to think that her guardian angel watched over her when she drove back home to Georgia, too.

I know how Sam and Nancy felt that night they got their phone call.  Relieved  that everything was ok but concerned how they would drive we exercise our parental rights to dote.

When you have children, they are the center of your universe.

If you read my blog about the javelina/hog we hit on our way home Christmas weekend, there was another "hog" incident the very next day.  Near Houston, I think.  A father hit a hog, too - he overcompensated to avoid it and lost control of his car, hit a tree and burst into flames.  Another driver, who saw the whole thing, rushed in to help.  It turned out the driver of the first car had a young child in the car seat in back.  The second driver was able to rescue the young child.

A few days ago, I got a phone call from a very close friend of mine, Cynthia Weber, also a classmate.  She was so excited.  She was calling to tell me about her good news.   Her daughter Melanie, had gotten engaged and they would be getting married December 10, 2010 in Austin.

I whooped, "Oh my gosh!  Samantha got engaged, too and her wedding date is December 10, 2010 but in Kyle.

They had gotten engaged within days of each other and now they would be sharing the same wedding date.

"Coincidence?"  you ask....

Let me tell you this...Cynthia and I have been sharing coincidences since we were in Kindergarten...right, Shorte?  Kindred spirits do that!!!

It reminds me what a small world it is, and how interconnected we are and that no matter where we go, or who we are...we're not alone...ever!!

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