Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Backing up my computer...

I LOVE reunions.

All kinds of reunions.  School reunions, family reunions, friend name it - I'll make it!

You can imagine my data records.

Well, they're gone!

I was in the process of backing up my computer (my flash drive wasn't big enough) and I was unable to finish the job.  In doing so, my computer closed down to update.  It never came back.  Lost were all my high school classmate data, my family data, friends, every contact I have made since 2007 and all my college essays, short stories and poems I've written for the last 15 years.  Poof!  All gone!

Oh, did I tell you all the photos....?

Surprisingly's okay.

Okay, on many levels.  I hesitated submitting any of my writings for publishing.  Why?  Fear.  Fear of rejection, fear of offending, fear of writing badly.  Needless to say, my desire to write is still here.  That's why it's okay.  My passion is real.  So if I didn't publish anything that's okay...there's more where that came from.

This is where I know God is real and working in my life.

So my computer is out.  Steps in:  Nilda, a fellow Diva and her family of computer wizards.  They weren't able to retrieve my information but I now have a computer up and running.  I'm having to restock it with all the software that's somewhere in my garage/home.  This will take some time.

But that is one thing I am blessed with...TIME!!

And then...the piece of resistance...for our anniversary, my husband buys me a 23" all in one touch computer.  I'm on it now.

It gets better...

A couple of days after Nilda brought my old computer back, my computer went out again so I called AT&T.  They suggested I take the router to their center to have it tested.  Well, my husband, a former AT&T employee requested the router be replaced, at which they balked but we took the router to get tested.  We forgot the power cord.  Went back, again.   It was the power cord.  A power cord was $10.

Seven days later, we receive a brand new router.  Of course we call and AT&T decided to replace our router.  And it gets better.  While installing the new router and following their implicit directions, I discovered that one phone in the household was NEVER hooked up properly (Nilda and I were comparing services and were complaining that AT&T was messing up big time.).  The computer picked up the error connection immediately when we began installing the new router!  This time everything was installed properly.

My computerS are zipping everywhere in record time.

Sigh!  Reunions?  Piece of cake!

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