Sunday, November 7, 2010


This has not been a good year on so many levels.  I feel like the announcer on the night of the Oscar's when they have a montage of all the actors that made their transition this last year, 2010.

The new year started and Johnny Jimenez (MHS-Class of 69), husband to our classmate, Cita Garza (MHS-Class of 70), was the first this year, January 4th.  Then it was Gilbert Esqueda (MHS-Class of 70), both unexpected, but then death, although inevitable is rarely expected.  It started a discussion among our living classmates as to how many classmates we had lost to date.  It was discovered there were more than the 23 that we knew about.

Then everything shifted and for many of us, it's been a total change, something others had already gone through but for our small group of  friends - we're walking in unknown waters and its been uncomfortably repetitious. I'm talking about the loss of a parent.

We are some of the lucky ones...whose parent or parents have lived long past our other classmates' parents, well into their 80s and some into their 90s. Now, they're leaving us, too.

Even though many parents are no longer with us, I look around and I see them all in and around Mission, the homes they built, lived in, the work they accomplished.  For some...the children they raised, the city they built and a community they filled with purpose and pride.

This is the year my father passed on...June 11, 2010.  I'm still trying to wrap my head round this.  I still expect to find him at home sitting in his rocker, strumming on his guitar, or reading a book.  Or calling only to find him at the voting polls.  I can only imagine what others in the same situation experience but regardless of your relationship with your parents - you're going to miss them.

This last week,  Diana Flores Alcocer,  lost her mom Wednesday night, November 3, 2010.  Mrs. Rufina Flores fought a mighty though brief battle with cancer.  Mrs. Flores had the sweetest smile, something she offered freely and often.  There was a girlish innocence about her that never left her, but don't push her because the lioness side of her would emerge...the same fierceness that she protected her children with.  Rudy was a volunteer at the Texas Citrus Fiesta  for almost 13 years.  We're going to miss you, Mrs. Flores.

Sadly, another classmate, Joe Alvarez (MHS-Class of 70) passed away on Wednesday, October 27th.  May he rest in peace.

This is turning into a mishmash of thoughts much the way my brain has been behaving lately, but it does make me reflect.  So much so but it all boils down to one thought...our own mortality.

We are merely actors on our own stage called earth.  Acting out the play we have written and dictated to the universe.  The lucky ones realize we can reverse or rewrite our own story's ending.  It's the voices that surround us that compel.  Is your cup half full or half empty?  Who comforts you?  Who appreciates you?  Better yet, whom do you appreciate and do they know it?

The times, yes, they are different...but loving, birth, and dying...those things stay the same.

Reflection on Life
by Diana Corpus Garza

It’s not about the work.
It’s about what goes in it.
The time,
          the care,
                   the love,
                             the touch.

An opportunity to be a part
          Of everything,
                    this earth,
                        the sky,
                            the cross.

The words,
          The sound
                   the passion,
                                  the heart.

 The sound.
          The music.
                the movement,
                       the rhythm,
                             of life.

 I imagine the opposite, of what it could be
          A world of silence
                   No feeling
                       No change
                            No ability to see.
But to wander only in observation
          Not make it a part of me.
                   No smiles,
                        No laughter,
                               No tears.

No miracles to witness
        Of wonder,
                   No emotion,       
                  in awe
                                 of angels.       

So while I’m here part of this earth
Pushes me to awaken
                   Drive myself to accomplish
                                      and hope…..(sigh)
                                                I get it right.

* * *

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