Monday, September 6, 2010

The Rio Theatre

This is the new renovated Rio Theatre on Dorothy Street in Mission.  I remember performing there when I was five years old.  I was attending Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School.  It was a fundraiser and our Kindergarten class was going to perform "La Raspa."  I was so disappointed.  Our class, being small, had only so many boys to go around.  So I was picked to be a "boy" and  I was not a happy camper.  My partner was Dolores de los Santos (Carrizales)...well, now Dr. Dolores Carrizales to be exact.  She's a practicing pediatrician in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  I wore dungarees and a plaid shirt.  My mom decided to do a perm on me for the occasion; I looked like Shirley Temple.  I wish I had a photo now...

On an extra note:  Next door to the theatre was Judy Pena Jaramillo's home (Class of 71)  and next to her family's home, the Arnaldo Ramirez Sr.'s home:   (Arnaldo, Jr., Sandra, Mark (Class of 70), Elizabeth (Class of 71) there were more kids, I believe, I just don't remember them.  Mr. Ramirez was also mayor of Mission (1973-81) and a record and music producer.   Across the street was Dave Silva's (Class of 70) home...

That reminds me...
Mr. Ramirez was co-founder and owner of Falcon Records (with his brother, Rafael).  Years back, (1950's) Estella Palacios Lane, my husband Ralph's grandmother, had a recording studio built near her home at Red Gate.  Her son, Jack Lane, built it from the bottom up with cement blocks.  I'm sure some of you have seen the sign "Jack's Corner" when you're driving down to the Valley just past the Red Gate sign.   It's also south of Linn, Texas, where my husbands grandmother served as Post Mistress.  (Another random note.)

The name of her label was MayTe' Records.  She wrote, sang, produced and recorded records.  One of her well known songs, "Especialmente Para Ti" ("Especially For You") was written especially for a young lady by the name of Irma Garza.  I remember seeing her perform on TV when she was about 11 years old on a Sunday program with Johnny Herrera, sponsored by Paloma Blanca Flour (White Wing).  She would also perform on the Moulton "Ty" Cobb, do you remember that!!!

Mr. Ramirez, recorded that song  under his label with Carlos Guzman.  Which makes another Mission High School connection.  Carlos Guzman recorded an album, "Vestida de Blanco"  I believe.  Tommy Thompson and Saralu Thompson were on the cover.  Saralu wore a wedding dress...Tommy a tuxedo... (See album cover)

David Lee Garza (y Los Musciales), a current recording artist/band  (hometown Poteet, Texas),  recorded his third album and titled his album "Especialmente Para Ti."  Ram Herrera was lead  vocal. Unfortunately for Ralph's family, the copyright had run out and was never renewed.  It became public domain back in the 80's.  I can say, hundreds of musicians have recorded her song.

 "Song of the Week" pick...."I am a Clown" by David Cassidy.  I cried many a tear with that song...
(Right hand column)


  1. Wow. Great post. So interesting.

    Yes, I remember the Ty Cobb Show!

    Love how put those album covers up.

    So glad you're blogging!

  2. Terrific post. Any chance of puuting up a label scan of Irma Garza's record on Mayte?
