Monday, December 27, 2010

A letter of love...

December 25, 2010 - Christ's Birthday

I wish I could have had all my chickies with me but alas it was not meant to be and even though I didn't get to see my oldest, the most beautiful Diana, she sent me a letter along with an assortment of homemade cookies.
I hope she won't mind me sharing this with means so much to me.

Quote -

Dear Family,

I'm so, so disappointed that JAson and I can't be at "the gathering"!  I miss all of you so much; and I'm not gonna lie...this holiday season has been pretty tough.  Being so far away from all of you is definitely harder than I remember!  I wanted to send everyone gifts that fulfilled your every whim but money has been really tight.  I know that gifts are not what Christmas is all about, but I do love seeing the smile on all of your faces when you get that special present.  I'm hoping that you guys will enjoy these cookies that I baked (I also hope they're not stale!).  They were made with lots of love, and I figured they'd be the next best thing since there won't be a "Diana Bake-A-Thon" this year.

To Mom:

I love you so so much!  I think of you every day!  More and more, I find myself saying...
"My mom taught me..." or "My mom always said..."

Your wisdom and words can get me through the toughest sitution and they bring comfort when all seems hopeless.  Thank you for being my coach, my number one fan, and my friend, Mom!  I can't wait to see you and Dad in January!!! Lots of hugs and kisses!!!

P.S. - There's some White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies in there for you!!!

To Dad:

It's funny how something as simple as a box of chocolate covered cherries can made me cry; but when I think of how you'd always bring home a box (or 2or 3) at Christmas, I can't help but feel nostalgic.

Do you remember that Christmas when my Secret Santa at school didn't get me anything the whole week leading up to Christmas?  I remember feeling so sad, and you came into my room and gave me an early Christmas present - a Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer book.  That meant so much to me, Daddy!!! you are always coming to the rescue...

Whether you were filling up our cars with gas, going to the store because were craving cake, or making sure we were where we needed to be ON TIME, you've always been there for us!!!  Words can't express how much all those little things mean to me...I love you, Dad!!!

                                                              *              *             *




  1. Its great to see that you and the girls are doing great. I am patiently waiting the days when my 3 kids are grown and living on their own. God Bless you and have a Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for this blog, Diana.

    You are such a blessing.
